#AdvocateSupportEmpower RedTentInitiative@gmail.com


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How Can We Help?

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Red Tent Initiative is seeking volunteers! If you would like to share in our work, please fill out the volunteer questionnaire below.

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Contact Information



Which days are you available for volunteer assignments?
Which times of day?


My Employer...

Special Skills

I have these skills that can lend to Red Tent:

Previous Volunteer Experience

Person to Notify in Case of Emergency


Are you or is someone close to you a survivor?

RTI clients strongly benefit from the support of local survivors. If you are willing to share your story please check the YES box above. Your name and information will be held in the strictest confidence.

Our Policy

It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability.

Volunteer Participation Agreement

I have read and agree to the terms stated in the Volunteer Participation Agreement.

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SAFETY ALERT: If you are in danger, please use a safer computer, or call 911, a local hotline, or the U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1- 800- 799- 7233 and TTY 1- 800- 787- 3224. Learn more technology safety tips. There is always a computer trail, but you can leave this site quickly.